Free offline hebrew english dictionary for mac
Free offline hebrew english dictionary for mac

free offline hebrew english dictionary for mac

The very word גמל (gamal), meaning camel, comes from a verb that means to invest. In Biblical times, camels went through the eye of a needle because they were the unit of international trade. Camels in the Bible serve as units of trade.In the Biblical narrative, a society's 'tower' is its total accumulated wealth in both material sense and in a science and technological sense its total library of wisdom and skills, its centralization and infrastructure. Towers in the Bible: the nuclei of societies.A person's mother was literally the social group this person was part of, and he remained 'a son of his mother' until he married and 'became one' with his wife

free offline hebrew english dictionary for mac

In the Hebrew mindset, however, the collective identity was dominant, and a mother was that within what one was conceived (instead of born out of). In our modern worlds, our personal identity is dominant, and our mother is merely someone who brought us into life and hopefully cared for us during the first few years of it.

  • Motherhood in the Bible: Society as one's maternal parent.
  • Soap was a shield that could stave off plagues a divine potion that meant the difference between life and death. We moderns are so used to soap that we forget that to the ancients it must have seemed like a miracle elixir, so potent and so effective that even the deity heeded it. Heart-forming lies at the base of both intelligence and determination, and the opposite of having a heart is being either ignorant, indifferent or cowardly. To the Hebrews, a creature with a heart was a creature who was able to assess the kaleidoscope of impulses around him, sieve out the things that were most important and more or less disregard the rest.
  • The Hebrew heart: the seat of intelligence and determination.
  • Wine" can cause joy but also fill one's mind with false convictions, and Jeremiah even speaks of the wine of God's wrath. Wine in the Bible appears to be mostly a medium via which something that ought to have happened can be brought about, mostly by placating whoever is in the way. We all dream, but only very few of us have the skills it takes to interpret dreams into wakeland experiences. Whether our subconsciousnesses are isolated reservoirs of perfect knowledge, or we are logged onto a kind of Akashic library via bent and fraying cables, or getting fed info crumb by crumb by aliens, angels or the Divine, there's something deeply groovy about dreaming.
  • Dreams in the Bible: the secret language of God.
  • This says quite a bit about how the ancients saw masculinity. The noun זכור (zakur) means male, and comes from the verb זכר (zakar), meaning to remember.
  • Masculinity in the Bible: to be male is to remember.
  • But when executed with the doors of the mind wide open, they are the mind's most nutritious sustenance. When these rites are executed merely out of religious piety, they are wholly worthless and rather ridiculous. The daily preparation of people's food was a continual reminder of how people's minds worked, and was intended in the same way as the Last Supper rite, to literally 'bring to mind' the greater things they represented.
  • Altars and sacrifice in the Bible discuss human cognitive psychology.
  • The familiar metaphor equates knowledge with light but to the ancients, the hydrological cycle (rain, rivers, sea and evaporation) held a similar and equally valid meaning, namely that of the conveyance of instructions, or the joint act of someone teaching and someone else learning from an instructor.

    free offline hebrew english dictionary for mac

    The hydrological cycle in the Bible is self-similar to cognition.Please see the Greek index for more of these thematic articles. We list the titles of those thematic articles from our Hebrew dictionary here for convenient perusing. Sometimes the scope of a word is so wide that its dictionary article took on the form of a thematic encyclopedia article. The index per letter below will lead to the alphabetical listing of roots we've treated so far, irrespective of in which article they appear. What our dictionary has in common with most other ones, however, is that for a specific noun or adjective, the user will have to look under its root. For instance: we list the word דם ( dam) meaning blood in the same general article as the word אדם ( 'adom) meaning red, even though these words are generally considered to stem from separate roots. Our dictionary is not organized according to alphabet but rather according to similarity of form.

    #Free offline hebrew english dictionary for mac free

    Free online Biblical Old Testament Hebrew DictionaryĪbarim Publications' ever expanding online Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament comprises 582 articles that discuss the meaning and relationships of thousands of Hebrew words.

    Free offline hebrew english dictionary for mac